July 21: DIY-Workshop on thermal male contraception

golden-glittery ring on flowers

(Workshop in englischer Lautsprache)

Are you interested in exploring contraception alternatives? Have you considered male contraception?The French collective Otoko is coming to Berlin and Leipzig to offer DIY workshops about the thermal contraception method.

Workshop Details
• Berlin: July 21st, 2 PM at Piekfeiner Laden, Wönnichstr. 103, 10317 Berlin
• Leipzig: July 23rd, 6 PM at Index, Breite Str. 1, 04315 Leipzig
Register for free to either workshop through this link:

What to Expect
Otoko’s workshops are a blend of education, craft, and open discussion on subjects related to contraception, intimacy and masculinity. In three hours, you will learn about the thermal method, and get all the tools you need to start your contraceptive journey.
You’ll dive into conversations about male fertility, share personal contraception experiences, and have the opportunity to craft  your own glitter-powered silicone rings for thermal male contraception.
Whether or not you plan to use this method, the workshops offer valuable insights into men’s roles in intimate and sexual health.
If you seriously plan on shifting to using thermal contraception, the workshop will provide all you need to actually make the move. You’ll be all set to experiment.

Who is the workshop for?
The workshops are opened for everyone to join.
Contraception is everyone’s business.
Feel free to participate, even out of pure curiosity or just for the kink of mixing glitter into silicone.
Partners and friends are welcome as well.

Workshop Structure
• Opening Talk: 15 minutes
• Discussion on the Thermal Contraception Method: 45 minutes
• Ring Trials: 20 minutes
• Ring Crafting Session: 80 minutes
• Closing Talk: 20 minutes

What You’ll Get
• Detailed information and scientific literature on thermal male contraception
• Contact details for supportive health professionals
• A practical protocol to follow and share with your partner
• DIY silicone rings in 12 different sizes, ready to use

Why Attend?
• Learn about a new contraception method
• Engage in open, honest discussions about gender and reproductive health
• Create your own contraception device in a supportive, fun environment
• Take a step towards shared responsibility in contraception

Sounds like your thing? Let’s go!
Register to either workshops following this link:

The workshops operate on a pay-as-you-like basis with no minimum fee. The advised contribution for crafting rings is 50€, but again, there is no right amount. You are welcome to give what you can. This inclusive approach ensures that everyone can participate and that contraception remains accessible.

Looking forward to crafting with you!
🌈 Sam